, LLC is the culmination of many hours of education, at a significant cost, brought on by a terrific need to know more about marketing my own local business at the time, Pro17 Engineering, LLC. The education continues every day, as it should, in order to keep up with the ever-changing internet marketing process. For example, it was only 18 short months ago (June 2011) that Google+ came on the scene. Today it’s one of the MUST do things you should have for your business.

According to Mary Meeker’s presentation on 2012 internet trends, there were approximately 244 Million Internet Users in the USA as of June 2012. This is growing at about 3% a year. With approximately 315 Million people in the USA, that’s about 78% of the population that use the Internet.

Mobile phones, specifically smart phones capable of browsing, and marketing to them are the current boom in marketing. Again, Ms. Meeker states that in the 4th Quarter of 2012 there were 172 Million smartphone subscribers and it’s growing at a 50% year over year rate. That’s not including the over 65 Million iPad’s that were shipped as of the 3rd Quarter of 2012. Mobile internet traffic has grown to 13% of all internet traffic.

So, what does all of that mean to you? Well, first of all, you need to keep up with it all. Secondly, you don’t have time to do that. (I just spent 2 hours surfing and finding more and more info I didn’t know.) In order to run your business in an efficient manner you HAVE to spend time in your business – not surfing the web. Why not let others do that for you? Let keep up with what works and doesn’t work in regard to online marketing for your local business. I’ve proven that this works for my own business. I’ve finally clicked into a system that brings me at least 2 to 5 calls a day of new customers for that business.

Let me help you get your phone to ringing with more and better business. Call Keith today at (334) 826-6677 and ask me about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your local business.